Thursday, December 5, 2013

Wealth Book Review: The Kabbalah of Money - Jewish Insights On Giving, Owning And Receiving

By: Rabbi Nilton Bonder (1996)Published by Shambhala Publications, Inc., Horticulture Hall, 300 Massachusetts Ave. Boston, Massachusetts 02115ISBN 1-57062-804-1Book Price: $22.95Rabbi presents Jewish teachingsRabbi Nilton Bonder was born in Brazil and ordained at the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York. He is the author of several books revealing Jewish teachings: Yiddishe Kop; Creative Problem Solving in Jewish Learning; Lore, and Humor; The Kabbalah of Food; and The Kabbalah of Envy.Rabbinical teaching on moneyRabbi Nilton Bonder shares timeless Jewish money principles in ten chapters. He addresses such topics as, the limits of wealth (Ch. 2); wealth increased by having less (Ch. 5); living in the material world (Ch. 6); agents of livelihood (Ch. 7); obstacles to wealth (Ch. 8); death and wealth: can you take it with you? And much more!Enhancing money beliefs via the Jewish contextRabbi Nilton Bonder converses with readers in an informal, educational style. He relies heavily on Jewish thinking to inform his readers. This is seen in his opening remarks, "A Jewish aphorism tells us that a man shows his character in three ways: by his cup (that is, his appetite), his pocket (his relationship to money), and his anger."Insights gained from a Rabbi's perspective amplify and qualify Bonder's presentation. He affirms rabbinical views often, as follows, "The rabbis tell us that... our money is an extension of our reactions and beliefs." & "The rabbis saw poverty as an unparalleled tragedy. In the Midrash (Exodus Rabbah 31:14) we read: "Nothing in the universe is worse than poverty; it is the most terrible of sufferings. A person oppressed by poverty is like someone who carries on his shoulders the weight of the whole world's sufferings."" He clearly communicates Jewish ideals.Rabbi Nilton's aim is clearly to motivate readers to embrace and act upon rabbinical wisdom, seen here: "... it is our duty to create maximum abundance for all without generating scarcity. In the language of the rabbinical Market, this is the ideal condition in which "one party doesn't lose, and the other gains."" Sounds like win-win!Bonder is pointed in much of his addressing of solutions to our financial crisis. His answers carry a convicting sting as he states, "Much existing wealth cannot be made available to us, because of our unwillingness to share."Jewish concepts release money to usRabbi Nilton Bonder shares Jewish concepts that release money to us, helping readers to overcome poverty.Success Step: List 3 things you believe about money. Let your money beliefs be cultured by Jewish thought.

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